Hapres journals depend on academic experts to ensure high quality of all content published. We work closely with external editors and provide as much support as we can to ensure editorial efficiency as well as high quality. This guide provides information for the roles and responsibilities of external editors working with Hapres journals.
New Journal LaunchesNew journal ideas usually come from academic community when researchers find there is no natural home for their research work to be published. Hapres also actively seeks advices from academic community to identify growing areas and interdisciplinary subjects for potential new journal launches.
Hapres will work with journal founding editor(s) to prepare a new journal:
Scholars who wish to launch a new journal with Hapres are encouraged to submit a proposal to us. Detailed requirements can be found at New Journal Proposal page.
Editorial LeadershipThe editorial leadership may consist of one or more editors responsible for the scientific quality and development of the journal. The titles of leading editors in each journal may be different, some examples are Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Associate Editor, Advisory Editor, etc. The role and responsibilities of editorial leadership include:
The editorial office will work closely with editorial leadership and provide assistance and guidance wherever possible to increase the efficiency of peer-review process. Please find more information in Editorial Workflow.
Editorial BoardThe editorial board consists of members who are subject experts in the journal’s field. Some members may sit on several journals’ editorial board. The role and responsibilities of editorial board members include:
Editorial board membership is usually two years and can be renewed. The editorial office will keep regular contact with editorial board members and ensure their information is up to date.
Virtual Special Issue GuidelinesVirtual special issues are an important part of Hapres journals. They are collections of articles plus an introduction that together advance a topic, idea or debate in the journal scope. They will deal with more focused topics, and will be organized by recognized experts in the field. Journals may actively invite renowned scholars to edit virtual special issues, and we also welcome proposals from scholars at any time of the year.
The proposal should include the title and scope of the virtual special issue, pointing out its novelty and importance, plus a selection of prospective articles and their authors, together with proposers’ CV and be submitted to each journal editorial office for consideration. We aim at publishing around 10 papers for each virtual special issue. Besides solicited contributions from guest editors, we will also issue open call for papers to a larger group of scholars.
All articles should be submitted to the journal by their authors via the online submission system. All articles are subject to normal journal peer-review procedure, and editorial decisions will be made by guest editors, which are overseen by journal editorial leadership. Virtual special issue papers are published online immediately after acceptance and then gathered together on the virtual special issue website. Authors are encouraged to submit papers as soon as they are ready and do not need to wait until the submission deadline. This will increase the overall publication speed of each paper.
Publishing EthicsAll editors in Hapres journal are required to adhere to COPE’s Core Practices. Editors should be particular aware of and avoid potential conflicts of interest during the peer-review process. Submissions from editorial leadership or guest editors should be assigned to editorial board members to make final decisions. When editors encounter a publishing ethics issue, they should seek help and advice from the editorial office immediately.
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